Version date : 27 June 2024

1. Cookies explained: 

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored as a text file on your device by the Eurecat’s Website server.
Cookies are used to facilitate your browsing on this Website and for record-keeping purposes.

The information stored can be retrieved by the Website server when you return to the Website. This allows Eurecat to customize or regulate the use of the Website, and to automate the access and data-entry functions of the Website (e.g., login information), to store on-line information while visiting the Website.

We do not use cookies to track the navigational habits of identified users without the user’s consent. If you visit our Website to read or download content, most of the information we collect is statistical only (e.g., the domain from which you access the Internet, the date and time you access our site, and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our Website).

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about the visitor may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. We use this information about the number of visitors and their use of the Website in an aggregate form to make the Website more useful to you.

The main Cookies used by the Eurecat Website are described below.

You may delete the “cookies” set on your device at any time, oppose the registration of new “cookies” and receive notification before the setting of a new cookie by configuring your browser via the instructions below (“Types of cookies, cookies and statistics and settings”).

Please note that if you uninstall a “cookie” or if you object to the setting of “cookies” on your device, you may not benefit from some of the website’s services.

2. Types of cookies, cookies and statistics, and settings 

The cookies that may be installed on your device when you browse the Website are either cookies whose sole purpose is to enable or ease communication by electronic means or which are strictly necessary to provide the service you request (language cookies, identification cookies …), or statistics cookies or other cookies under the conditions described below.

When cookies require your prior consent to their setting, we ask you to do so by means of the Customize Consent Preferences box which appears on the first page of the Website when you connect for the first time, or when generating new cookies subject to your consent, prior to their setting. Consent preferences are stored from one connection to another for 30 days.

How to withdraw your consent?

On your first connection to the Website, you will be asked to Customize Consent Preferences regarding cookies. If you subsequently wish to change your selection, you can manage your cookies by going to the section at the left bottom of the page of our Website of the cookies” button.

To delete cookies already stored, please refer to the procedure provided by your operating system (Windows, OS X, etc.).

2.1 Which cookies are set ?

The use of Cookies is common in the industry. You may wish to adjust your web browser (by clicking on the below links depending on your browser) to inform you whenever a Cookie is being used, or to reject All Cookies automatically.

Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari